The World's Top Surf Schools
Learn 2 surf

Die Pro: Coaching Movie Stars

3rd July 2015

Learn 2 Surf​ was asked by Hoofkantoor Produksies​ to teach 3 actors how to surf for a South African/Afrikaans (surfing/drama) movie called Die Pro​.

The actors, Edwin van der Walt, Reine Swart and Bennie Fourie needed to learn to surf from scratch (on longboards), then progress in their skills in order to ride shortboards, and then to get good enough on shortboards so they could surf, in the movie, in Jeffreys Bay, in 4 weeks!

Meet Pro Surfer Tanika Hoffman

20th May 2013

LEARN 2 SURF caught up with South African professional surfer Tanika Hoffman just a few hours after she flew in from the World Surfing Games, where she and the South African surf team won GOLD medals!