The World's Top Surf Schools
Learn 2 surf

Die Pro: Coaching Movie Stars

3rd July 2015

Learn 2 Surf​ was asked by Hoofkantoor Produksies​ to teach 3 actors how to surf for a South African/Afrikaans (surfing/drama) movie called Die Pro​.

The actors, Edwin van der Walt, Reine Swart and Bennie Fourie needed to learn to surf from scratch (on longboards), then progress in their skills in order to ride shortboards, and then to get good enough on shortboards so they could surf, in the movie, in Jeffreys Bay, in 4 weeks!

Shark Spotters

24th August 2014

The shark spotting program, started in False Bay, Cape Town, is the only program of it’s kind in the world.

Let’s Put Shark Attacks Into Perspective

10th October 2013

It is all too often that sharks are portrayed as mindless killing machines in movies and the media. But unfortunately fear sells newspapers and movie tickets.

At LEARN 2 SURF, we love sharks! Sharks are an essential part of our ecosystem and (fortunately) they are our friends.