The World's Top Surf Schools
Learn 2 surf

Searching for Surf in Europe

2nd July 2019

On a quest to expand the LEARN 2 SURF network into Europe, founder Anthony Scholte (Ant) spent from February till mid May exploring the entire European west coast.

His goal was to personally inspect all of the most popular ‘learn to surf’ locations and to discover the alternative, lesser known, less crowded surf spots.

Why Book A Surfing Lesson?

20th September 2018

Watching YouTube videos and trying to teach yourself how to surf can work for some people – but for the vast majority, teaching yourself how to surf can be an incredibly exhausting and frustrating process.

Furthermore, practicing incorrect or bad technique, creates a ‘bad habit’. And the more you repeat this, the further it is ingrained into your muscle memory. Bad habits can hinder your surfing progress and be tough to correct.