The World's Top Surf Schools
Learn 2 surf
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Surfing Rules & Good Surfing Etiquette

12th April 2016

Good Surfing Etiquette goes a long way to making surfing a safer and more enjoyable experience for you and everyone in the water with you.
The following list is an internationally practiced set of rules that all surfers should know and adhere to.
We hope you find this information useful and put it to practice every time you go surfing.

Why Book A Surfing Lesson?

20th September 2018

Watching YouTube videos and trying to teach yourself how to surf can work for some people – but for the vast majority, teaching yourself how to surf can be an incredibly exhausting and frustrating process.

Furthermore, practicing incorrect or bad technique, creates a ‘bad habit’. And the more you repeat this, the further it is ingrained into your muscle memory. Bad habits can hinder your surfing progress and be tough to correct.

Why Choose LEARN 2 SURF?

20th September 2018

So you’ve decided to Become A Surfer (awesome!) and now you’re faced with the task of finding a good school/teacher. Of all the thousands of surf schools around, which one do you choose? Let us help you by pointing out a few (very important) things you need to look out for in your search..

Cape Town Surf Camps

24th June 2014

The fastest way to improve your surfing, or the best way to ensure you start surfing with a solid foundation, is to sign up for a surf camp.

Internships at LEARN 2 SURF

10th September 2019

Our LEARN 2 SURF Head Office in Muizenberg (Cape Town, South Africa) accepts interns.

If you need to complete an internship for your studies, please feel free to contact us.

Become a Surfing Instructor

3rd July 2013

Do you love surfing? Are you good with people? Life’s a Beach when you’re a Surf Coach!

LEARN 2 SURF is always looking for Accredited Instructors and contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be a pro-surfer to be a pro-coach.

Surfing in Cape Town

25th September 2018

Film maker Calvin Thompson shot a great little promo video about surfing in Cape Town, South Africa – for an unfortunately short lived initiative called ‘All About Cape Town’.

The 2 surfers interviewed in this clip are Capetonians Matt Bromley (sponsored Big Wave surfer) and owner of LEARN 2 SURF, Ant Scholte.

Die Pro: Coaching Movie Stars

3rd July 2015

Learn 2 Surf​ was asked by Hoofkantoor Produksies​ to teach 3 actors how to surf for a South African/Afrikaans (surfing/drama) movie called Die Pro​.

The actors, Edwin van der Walt, Reine Swart and Bennie Fourie needed to learn to surf from scratch (on longboards), then progress in their skills in order to ride shortboards, and then to get good enough on shortboards so they could surf, in the movie, in Jeffreys Bay, in 4 weeks!