The World's Top Surf Schools
Learn 2 surf

Surfer Girl Movies

28th March 2020

A list of some of our favorite all girls surf movies. Surfing was a vastly male-dominated scene for many years. In the 90’s seeing a girl in the water at your local break was met with the reaction “oh wow, there’s a girl in the water”.

In the 1990’s a few more girls started surfing and then in 2002 came a Hollywood movie that exploded the girls surf scene like a nuclear bomb! The film was called Blue Crush. Suddenly every girl wanted to start surfing! Since then the ladies surf scene has grown from strength to strength and here are a bunch of awesome surf movies to prove it:

Hollywood Surf Movies

28th March 2020

Most Hollywood movies (and TV shows) that feature surfing are so ridiculously bad they make real surfers cringe! #facepalm

But there have been a few fun Hollywood films to which surfers threw a shaka 🤙(a surfer’s thumbs up). This does not mean that they are good movies – but just that the surfing and surf subject matter was portrayed better in these films than many other attempts.

Surf Movies For Kids

27th March 2020

Hey Parents!

Want to brainwash your kids into wanting to surf?

Here is our list of kiddie friendly surf movies to help you plant the surfing seeds in your child’s mind at a nice young age.

Corona Virus (Temporary) Shutdown

26th March 2020

24 March 2020: COVID-19 Announcement

Due to the international COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak, LEARN 2 SURF will not be taking any bookings, for any of our surf school locations, until further notice.

Surfing Rules & Good Surfing Etiquette

12th April 2016

Good Surfing Etiquette goes a long way to making surfing a safer and more enjoyable experience for you and everyone in the water with you.
The following list is an internationally practiced set of rules that all surfers should know and adhere to.
We hope you find this information useful and put it to practice every time you go surfing.

Our Favorite Surf Films

30th March 2020

Nothing beats surfing! But there are times when you are simply not able to go surfing..

During these sad times, it’s important to stay stoked and still get some of your ‘surf medicine’ through surf mags and SURF MOVIES!

This is a list of our favourite surfing movies split into categories for easy reference:

Why Choose LEARN 2 SURF?

20th September 2018

So you’ve decided to Become A Surfer (awesome!) and now you’re faced with the task of finding a good school/teacher. Of all the thousands of surf schools around, which one do you choose? Let us help you by pointing out a few (very important) things you need to look out for in your search..

End-of-Year Office Parties

4th December 2019

If you work in the Southern Hemisphere and you’re looking for something super fun to do with your work colleagues to end off your work year together – pull off your suits and ties and come surfing with us! We’ll put you in one of our (wet)suits and introduce you to our kind of “board-meeting” 😉

Make your Year-End Office Party a surfing-filled Beach Party!