16th February 2023


As a CLIENT/SURFER booking (directly or indirectly) with any of the Surf Schools listed on the LEARN 2 SURF website (www.learn2surf.net), you thereby agree to LEARN 2 SURF’s Terms and Conditions as well as the following INDEMNITY AGREEMENT :

LEARN 2 SURF CC, their employees, agents, sponsors and associates shall not be responsible for, and shall be exempt from, any liability in respect of loss, damage, injury, accident, delay or inconvenience to any person or personal property, whether the same shall occur and whether the same shall arise, from or be occasioned by the negligence of LEARN 2 SURF CC, their employees, agents, associates and other persons indirectly in the employ or service of LEARN 2 SURF CC or otherwise, under any circumstances whatsoever.

The Law of South Africa shall govern the relationship between LEARN 2 SURF CC and the participants. The courts of the Republic of South Africa shall have sole jurisdiction in respect of any claims and or disputes, which may arise between LEARN 2 SURF CC and the participant or agent.

YOU, THE CLIENT/SURFER assume full responsibility for any medical problems which you have disclosed or undisclosed, which may affect my safety in participating in the surf lesson. Furthermore, you understand that there is an element of danger, risk of injury or even death involved in participating in the
activity of surfing.

YOU, THE CLIENT/SURFER affirm that you are able to swim comfortably, and are not under the influence of alcohol or any drugs that may impair your alertness and affect your safety.

Please Note:
We can NOT guarantee that we can coach you on your preferred dates and times. Lessons are weather dependent – please contact us to confirm your lesson/s 24-48hrs in advance. Should the weather not be suitable/safe for your lesson, we will discuss this with you and reschedule. (please read out FAQ for more info on our refund policy)